3 Reasons to choose a Pet Sitter instead of putting your pet in a kennel

American actor James Cromwell once said: “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.”


Is that how you feel about your pet?  Pet’s truly do enhance our desire to be more caring and nurturing people; we love them like family. Therefore, when we are away from home, we want to make sure they are well taken care of. Consider 3 reasons why you should hire a pet sitter instead of sending your beloved pet to a kennel!



  1. Pet Stress

Pets are used to their home routine. How do you feel when your normal routine is disturbed? Does it make you irritable or stressed? Pet’s actually experience similar feelings. Depending on the kennel, your pet may not get the outside time and walks they need to keep them busy. Pet Secure reports that some pets even lose their desire to eat when out of their normal routine.


A pet sitter, however, is able to give your pet the regular personal care and attention they need. For example, Metropawlitan Pet Sitter offers midday walks that range from 20 minutes to an hour. They even provide GPS tracking so you know where they are at all times! To ensure your bundle of joy gets plenty of fresh air, they offer daily “backyard let out’s”.


  1. House Sitting

Pet sitters are willing to come to your house and spend the day with your pet, kennels don’t normally offer those services. Some animals do not do well when moved out of their environment. They may start to feel anxiety. With nobody home your cat or dog may get lonely. Not to mention the fact that you have a home to look after.


Metropawlitan Pet Sitter is not only willing to home-sit your pet, they will also take out the garbage, water the plants and bring in your mail and newspapers. Would you rather have your pet and home looked after or would you prefer your pet spending most of the day in a cage? The personal care a pet sitter can provide is what separates them from a run-of-the-mill kennel.


  1. Avoiding Sickness

When traveling on trains, buses and planes humans are exposed to sicknesses like the common cold or fever. In like manner, pets in kennels are exposed to what is often called “kennel cough”. What is “kennel cough?” According to Blue Cross For Pets kennel cough is an infectious bronchitis in pets that affects the respiratory system. It can also cause runny nose and a mucus-like discharge in the eyes.


If you send your pet to a kennel, you run the risk of exposing your pet to kennel cough and other infectious illnesses. What’s the solution? Hiring a pet sitter.



Metropawlitan Pet Sitters works with a team of professionals that are really zoologists at heart!

We offer professional service to help you preserve, nurture and care for all your pets needs. CLICK HERE to make sure your pet gets the care it needs!